Shaped Works
Tango Works
Tango 3-9 Works
Tango 3-9 Paper
Astronomer Works
Twig Works
Twig Maps
Suitcase Sculptures

in 2015 I began to think about the nature of suitcases and their relative meanings as symbols. We use them as containers for traveling, letting them take the brunt of various trials including getting beaten up and/or lost through no fault of their own, in order to protect the items we use to construct the façade of ourselves. The rest of the time we store them away in closets, basements and storage facilities. Eventually, as they age or become damaged, we discard them for newer ones.

The suicase works fall into two catagoies, the theoritical ones, so-named as they are homages and references to other artists and deisgners, and the travel ones. Both are meant as enigmatic, ironic and anomalous objects. Contents are planned for each and every suitcase.

Theoretical Suitcase #3, Time Is Dead, for "Rodeo Rene", mixed media, 2016, dimensions variable. Magritte was an avid rodeo fan and during a trip to the US bought cowboy boots and hat.

Her Eyes Were the Color of a Burning City, 2017, acrylic on wood w/suitcase,
20 in W x 72 in H x 18 in D.

Have Visa, No Have Rice, acrylic on wood w/travel case,NO LONGER AVAILABLE
2017, 18 in W x 60 in H x 9 in D. Title taken from a song by Cambodian Space Project.

Your Eyes Murmur of Remote Cities, 2017, acrylic on wood w/travel case,
108 in H x 20 in W x 18 in D

When the Lord Gets Ready You Got To Move, 2016, acrylic on box with webbing, rivets and vehicles.

Train in Vain, I Can't Help You When Your Train Gets Lost, 2018, suitcases & acrylic on wood