Terras Excogitari - Imaginary Lands
Any place you have never visited only exists in your imagination. Hong Kong is no more real than Mars City.
These are inspired by south sea island navigational maps made from palm stalks. These navigational aids diagrammedocean currents and wind directions so that one could travel from island to island. The stick maps were never taken
on voyages, instead they were diagrams for memorization, hence the information contained in them was in the mind.
No matter how much information or proof you may have about a place you have never visited, it exists only in your imagination. You have no knowledge of what it is actually like. What is Terra del Fuego like? Is it warm or cold? How do you imagine it? I am providing maps to imagined places that you have yet to vist.
Navigating the Upholstered Sea I, East of the Sun,,
2014-15, acrylic on wood and bamboo, 48 in x 24 in (app.), 2013.
The first twig or stick map, based on research into navigational maps used by South Sea Islanders.
Navigating the Upholstered Sea II, West of the Moon,
2014-15, acrylic on wood and bamboo, 48 in x 24 in (app.).
Pyraminds Burning Along the River,
2014-15, acrylic on wood and bamboo, 47 in x 24 in,
City of Weight - Floating River, Before Dawn
2015, acrylic on wood, bamboo and string, 19 in x 12 in (app)
City of Weight - Floating River, Early Night
2015, acrylic on wood, bamboo and string, 19 in x 12 in (app)
Spring Map of the the Plane of Signs, Sign of the Toads,
2015, acrylic on wood and bamboo, 19 in x 11 in (app)
Summer Map of the the Plane of Signs, Sign of the Tentacles
2015, acrylic on wood and bamboo, 19 in x 11 in (app)
Fall Map of the the Plane of Signs, Sign of the Wolves
2015, acrylic on wood and bamboo, 19 in x 11 in (app)
Winter Map of the the Plane of Signs, Sign of the Umbrellas
2015, acrylic on wood and bamboo, 19 in x 11 in (app)
Unnamed Town on the River of Cats
2016, acrylic on wood and bamboo, 19 in x 15 in (app)
Broke Down on the Pablo I
2016, acrylic on wood and bamboo, 40 in x 18 in app. SOLD
Broke Down on the Pablo II, 2020, acrylic on wood and bamboo, 33 in x 15 in x 2 in app.
Delta of the River of Dread,
2016, acrylic on wood and bamboo,
40 in x 27 in x 3 in app.
Pink Town Map,
2016, acrylic on wood and bamboo, 36 in x 27 inx 3 in app.
Sloppy Frog Lake Along the Road of Discarded Cafes,
2016, acrylic on wood and bamboo, 60 in x 30 in x 12 in app.
Town of Railroad Opera,
2016, acrylic on wood and bamboo 36 in x 27 in x 3 in app.
Poison Rabbit Volcano and Environs,
2016. acrylic on wood and bamboo, 39 in x 28 in x 3 in app.
Trevisoff / one of the five Imaginary Continents,
2016, acrylic on wood and bamboo, 59 in x 27 in x 6 in
Shadow of an Unnamed Town on the River of Cats, 2017-8 acrylic on wood and bamboo, 18 in x 24 in
Trout Banana River, 2019, acrylic on wood, 25 in x 15 in x 2 in app